Hello, I am Victoria, some friends call me Vic, Vicky or Victoria. I answer to all! I am a single mom, author, photographer, speaker, designer of greeting and affirmation cards found , and blogger of a gratitude diary, www.instagram.com/victoriabakermof/, which I published for five years. For nearly twenty years, I developed marketing, community outreach,
fund raising, and publicity offices for NYC publishers and nonprofits. Following my older son’s autism diagnosis, I advocated for his educational and medical needs. In 2007, I testified before the N.J. Senate Education Committee for The Burden of Proof legislation. On December 12, 2012, Ian was provided with comprehensive services he long needed for his education and well-being, 12 years in the making. My advocacy included initiating several state mediations on Ian’s behalf as well as becoming a home educator. Some of my writings and inspirations as a single parent of two have been published in Autism Parenting Magazine, Family Times, Time4Learning.com, and in my first book, The Making of Faith available at Amazon. During the pandemic, I published When God Talks to Trees He Whispers. |
In the fall of 2019 while Ian was living at Montclair University and Danny, my younger son, commuting to Rutgers, I was asked to speak to Ian’s former teachers. Little did I know I would share our story before the entire school staff. It’s Not Easy is a gratitude offering to the teachers at Collier High School and their lasting impact not just on Ian’s life but Danny’s and mine as well.
Long before and through my journeys of single parenting and autism, I have been and remain a star gazer, tree whisperer, and dream believer. Grateful for the beauty of the world around us, Danny’s music, yoga, I believe that Divine Love surrounds each of us. God’s Spirit guides me in all that I do. His Love for me and the guys solidifies His Mercy and Grace in our lives. The Māori are the indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New Zealand. Their word for autism, Takiwatanga “In his | her own time and space,” is a gentle reminder that we are all moving through different stages of becoming and knowing our true selves
with Spirit. |